Mounted Sumo Trio
The Mounted Trio has gained the reputation as the UK’s number 1 one-pass stubble cultivator. As the name suggests, the Trio comprises of three parts, each of these finely tuned to create a seedbed from stubble in one pass, an objective achieved by the vast majority of users.
Initial cultivations, to a depth of 400mm, is by shearpin-protected or auto-reset ultra-low draught subsoiler legs with carbide-tipped Concord quick-change points mounted in a staggered pattern on a heavy-duty toolbar with a 350mm forward stagger.
These are followed by a double row of 500mm diameter concave cultivating and mixing discs mounted in pairs on independently suspended arms in a dedicated frame, the finished seedbed created by a patented Multipacka: a 509 x 10mm barrel with shouldered rings and drive lugs provides a total diameter of 760mm. Tried and tested ring shoulders have a convex shape next to the barrel, creating consolidation and cracking even on top of the ridge.
Technical specification:
Trio 2.5 S/P 2,4 m 2,55 m 5 2468 kg 500 mm RIGID 120-190
Trio 2,5 A/R 2,4 m 2,55 m 5 2515 kg 500 mm RIGID 120-190
Trio 3 S/P 2,9 m 3,0 m 6 2795 kg 500 mm RIGID 140-280
Trio 3 A/R 2,9 m 3,0 m 6 2855 kg 500 mm RIGID 140-280
Trio 3,5 A/R 3,4 m 3,5 m 6 3070 kg 587 mm RIGID 180-300
S/P - share point
A/R - auto reset
Buyers of this machine:
- Trio 3m Matijevic Agrar Jednota, Kovacica
- Trio 3m Elan, Izbiste
- Trio 3m, Matijevic Agrar Jedinstvo, Kikinda
- Trio 3m, Matijevic Agrar Galad, Kikinda
- Trio 3m, Matijevic Agrar Pobeda, Boka
- Trio 3m, Vojvodina, Novo Milosevo
- Trio 3m, Omoljica, Omoljica
- Trio 3m, Mile Zarin, Jasa Tomic,
- Trio 3m A/R Ecoagri, Bela Crkva
- Trio 3m Barbulov, Radojevo
- Trio 3.5m A/R Nikolinci, Nikolinci
- Trio 3.5m A/R Lazic, Golubinci
- Trio 3.5m A/R Agronuija, Inđija
- Trio 3,5 A/R ZZ Agroprom, Stara Pazova
- Trio 3m S/P ZZ Bratstvo i Jedinstvo, Novi Itebej
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